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Hellad kellad (2012)

BFM meediaosakond: bakalaureusetöö

Tudengifilmid Kestus: 20:26


The project got started with the director's, Maris, own struggles to find her place in the world. She went to school with the main character, Jose Luis, in Prague. After their graduation she decided to stay there, while Jose went back home to Mexico. As the life for her was not that shiny and easy as she was used to and also the idea of going back home did not look attractive, she started to wonder - if she choice correctly? Or is there even a choice to make?

Through these ideas she got in contact with Jose Luis. Surprisingly he was even more depressed than she was. They had many strange  e-mail conversation, where she received in the middle of night questions like what is the meaning of it? Also it came out that he is about to get married, but clearly he did not really want to - referring to upcoming event as "the marriage", "the thing", etc.

For Maris there were too many similarities, so she decided to make her thesis film out of it. Only problem was that he was in Mexico and she did not have any funding to go there, so this is where the struggles started and they last the very landing to Monterrey, but somehow it was possible. Mainly because of help from people around the world, who all put some kind of an effort to it - offering free housing, crew working for free, people helping with transportation, etc. Through filming and discovering from where these doubts and worries come about ourselves, the whole project felt like a therapy to all the participants. Everyone left shooting with different emotions, they started with. All together the project has personal value to the director, the main reason she got over her own identity crisis and also Jose, who was able to share his negative an confusing feelings, making the whole process less painful for him. (Maris Flabba, 03.07.2012).

Meie koostööpartnerid

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm