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  • Trent Hawkins
  • Ilari Heinilä
  • Mazin Helal
  • Kimmo Helen
  • Leo Helldén
  • Timo Hietala
  • Hans Hindpere
  • Anna Hints
    Anna Hints


    Anna Hints is an Estonian film director with a background in the contemporary art scene and experimental music. Anna is deeply rooted in the distinct culture of South Estonia, yet for 5 years her second home has been India. She has studied literature, folklore and has a degree both in Photography and Film Directing. Her debut short fiction "Ice" (2017), which received the "Best Short Film" award at the Estonian Film and TV Awards, has been screened at more than 95 film festivals and won 14 awards worldwide.

  • Liisa Hirsch
  • Anthony Hopkins
  • Keith Hopwood
  • Lori Hu
  • Illia Humeniuk
  • Eliza Hvatova
  • Sami Hyvönen
  • Rainer Ild
  • Esa Illi
  • Aapo Ilves
    Aapo Ilves


  • Thalia Ioannidou
  • Michał Jacaszek
  • Zilvinas Jagela
  • Roomet Jakapi
  • Kaspar Jancis
    Kaspar Jancis


    Born on May 8, 1975 in Tallinn.

    He has been interested since childhood in drawing comic strips and writing stories for which he made illustrations himself.  His first moving pictures came into being in the corners of his school notebooks.  Later in his school years, his brother's friend, who was a member of a film club, helped him make a short plasticine puppet animated film.  

    This was followed by a two-year period as a working youth, which was not particularly educational, but was brimming with adventures.  During that time he began working systematically with music.  He has been part of the creative core of several rock groups, written song lyrics, made arrangements and created tunes.  He enrolled at the Tallinn Pedagogical University in 1996.

    He completed his first films at that school - the silent film "Dr. Maisarve and the Matshalka Case" (1996) and the cutout puppet film "Flight of the Little White Helicopter" (1996), which was screened at rock concerts and also on television.  He transferred from the Pedagogical University to the Turku Arts and Media School in Finland in 1997 to study animation under the guidance of Priit Pärn.

    He made his debut film "Romance" (1999) in Turku, and it has participated in several international film festivals.

  • Rainer Jancis
  • Laima Jansone
  • Andreas Jarvis
  • Rivo Järvsoo
  • Aleksei Jasmolkin
  • Miloš Jelitš
  • Kalle Gustafsson Jerneholm

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm