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  • Anna Artemyeva
  • Elmar Aru
  • Tõnu Aru
    Tõnu Aru

    1935 - 2020

  • Andres Arukask
  • Indrek Arula
  • Vello Aruoja
    Vello Aruoja

    1930 - 1984

  • Taavi Arus
    Taavi Arus


    Born in 11.03.1978 in Viljandi, Estonia. Graduated from Viljandi Paalalinna Gymnasium in 1996. Continued to study in Tartu University, got diploma of sport management and training in 2002. Worked as a teacher, trainer, physiotherapist, retailer, builder, different conveyor, stagehand, security guard, photographer/videoguy and journalist in Ireland, Denmark, USA, New Zealand, Estonia. Freelancer filmmaker since 2012.

  • Sergei Astahhov
  • Julia Astok
  • Ali-Settar Atakšijev
  • Heiki Atso
  • Maria Aua
    Maria Aua


    Maria Aua has graduated in Photography and in Directing Documentary. Her master's project "The Man From Samaria" won the prize of the Best Estonian Short Film at the Sleep Walkers festival (2016), and has been included in the programs of festivals abroad. After studies, Maria started to work with her first film "Connected Rooms". She's also working with her next solo exhibition, concerned with looking for links between natural landscapes and people's inner landscapes in a time when the natural environment surrounding us is more and more looked as just a resource. As a film editor, Maria has collaborated with Kersti Uibo.

    Maria's work as a filmmaker is influenced by her previous experience with the photo camera, with frequent use of static cinematography, stories told often through the mood. Her other passion is experimental music and in her films she's looking for bridges between visuals and curious, weird, accidental soundscapes.

  • Marc Augey
  • Anu Aun
    Anu Aun


    Director Anu Aun has graduated with BA from TV Directing and completed postgraduate studies in Film Directing in Baltic Film and Media School. Anu has produced and directed two feature films, several short films and documentaries. Anu’s latest feature Phantom Owl Forest reached over 147 000 viewers in domestic cinemas. Her short film Shift (2010) was selected to more than 70 international film festivals and won 17 prizes from all over the world. Anu’s debut feature The Polar Boy (2016) was developed in Torino Film Lab and Nipkow Program. The film screened in Mannheim-Heidelberg International Film Festival official competition, Cairo International Film Festival, Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival and many others. Anu is currently in production with creative documentary Walker on Water.

  • Nele Aunap
    Nele Aunap


  • Kalmer Aunapu
  • Ilo Aurik
    Ilo Aurik

    1911 - 1979

  • Agnes Aus
    Agnes Aus


  • Jaana-Katerina Auzina
  • Jana Auzina
  • Imofei Avrumantšuk
  • Michal Babinec
  • Sofiya Babiy
  • Artjom Babkin
  • Artjom Bagri
  • Igor Bahanov
  • Aldis  Balcevičs
  • Giampietro Balia
  • Ljubov Balitskaja
  • Janis Balodis

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm