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  • Pablo Thiermann
  • Paul Thiltges
  • Kristinn Thorardson
  • José Thovar
  • Piret Tibbo
  • Piret Tibbo-Hudgins
  • Ruth Tiidemann
  • Liina Tiido
  • Stina Tiigimäe
  • Gete Tiirats
  • Aare Tiisväli
    Aare Tiisväli

    1938 - 2014

  • Aare Tilk
    Aare Tilk


  • Anna Tilk
  • Ly Tilk
  • Renita Timak
  • Vytautas Tinteris
  • Aleksander  Tippo
  • Vesa Toijonen
  • Kristel Tõldsepp
  • Rain Tolk
    Rain Tolk


    Working as a director and scriptwriter in Kuukulgur Film. Directing feature films and commercials, acting in films.

    Personal information
    Nationality: Estonian
    DOB: June 9, 1977

    Educational Background
    2001 - 2003 Studied philosophy at Tartu University

    Professional Background
    1995 - 1996 Pop-culture magazine “Noorus”; editor.
    1996 - 1997 Freelance Journalist.
    1997 - 2001 Weekly magazine “Seltskond”; editor.
    2000 – 2001 TV-show called “Esto TV”; host, writer and producer.
    2001 - 2003 Advertising Agency “LOWE AGE”; copywriter.
    2014 – 2015 TV-show “OP Film”; presenter
    2002 - … Film Company “Kuukulgur Film”; member of the board;
    director, actor, writer, producer.

  • Ari Tolppanen
  • Andero Tõnissoo
  • Karin  Tõnissoo
  • Sten Toom
  • Hanna Maria Toome
  • Tarvo Kaspar Toome
  • Laura Tooming
  • Terje Toomistu
    Terje Toomistu


    Dr Terje Toomistu is a documentary film-maker and an anthropologist, a Research Fellow at the University of Tartu’s Department of Ethnology, whose prime areas of focus are gender, mobility, and affect. She received her PhD degree in Ethnology as well as two MA degrees (cum laude) in Ethnology and in Communication Studies from the University of Tartu. She has been a Fulbright Fellow at the University of California Berkeley and a visiting researcher at the University of Amsterdam, Department of Anthropology. She has also lived and studied in France, Russia, and Indonesia.
    Toomistu’s major research projects cover Indonesian gender and sexuality and the late Soviet non-conformist youth. She has curated exhibitions in the U.K., Germany, Canada, and Sweden, and given lectures and seminars at universities internationally. With a filmography including „Veins of the Amazon“ (2021, co-directed with Alvaro Sarmiento and Diego Sarmiento), an award-winning „Soviet Hippies“ (2017) and „Wariazone“ (2011, co-directed with Kiwa), her work as a documentary film-maker has been featured widely in international press, including The Guardian and The Economist.

  • Maarek Toompere
  • Piret  Toomvap-Schönberg

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm