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Art and the Cold War. Esthetic Resistance (2024)

Original title: Kunst ja külm sõda

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Documentary Duration 85:00

Art and the Cold War. Esthetic Resistance

A story about the relationship between independent Soviet art and the West. It recalls a time when art was larger and more important than life itself. But also a time, the like of which Estonian art has never seen and most likely will never see again. On one side, there are independent Soviet artists who lack not only the output but also the finances to complete their works. On the other side, there is the tempting West whose ambassadors (in the literal sense) take active interest in the Soviet underground art market. Selling one’s works to the West is a ...

Director: Sandra Jõgeva

Keywords: abstractionism | agents | alcohol consumption | artist's studio | avant-garde art | Baltic art | Balti liiduvabariigid | CIA | being successful | success story | View all »

Photos and Galleries (19)

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Videos (1)

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Main Data

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Production Firm(s) Maagiline Masin
Film Category Documentary
Text / Dialogue English, Russian, Estonian
Subtitles English
Duration 85:00


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Producer Kristiina Davidjants | Anu Veermäe-Kalda
Director Sandra Jõgeva
Screenwriter Sandra Jõgeva
Cinematographer Aivo Rannik | Elen Lotman
Sound Designer Indrek Soe
Editor Martti Sepp | Kadri Nikopensius

First releases

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  • in cinema: 15.05.2024, Kumu auditorium, Tallinn, Estonia

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm