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I am not a Tourist, I Live Here (1988)

Part 1 and 2

Original title: Ma pole turist, ma elan siin

Feature film | Drama Duration 121:12

This film is about one of the greatest social hotspots in Estonia during the Soviet times when apartments were given for free by the state, telling the story of a real estate agent and a homeless man. Mass immigration in 1944-1988 led to demographic conflict. Free apartments were mainly given to immigrants despite the fact that local people badly needed places of residence as well. They are not tourists, they live here, but they haven't got home.

Director: Peeter Urbla

Keywords: breaking up of marriage | slum apartment | detention room | love | running about | car ride | bar | bartender | learning Estonian language | the Phosphorite War | View all »

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Main Data

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Production Firm(s) Tallinnfilm
Color color
Sound sound
Film Category Feature film, Full length feature
Genre Drama
Text / Dialogue Estonian, Russian, German
Duration 121:12


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Director Peeter Urbla
Screenwriter Benno Kiis | Andres Paling | Peeter Urbla
Cinematographer Mait Mäekivi
Production Desinger Hillar Parkja
Costume Designer Kalle Toompere
Composer Kuldar Sink
Editor Marju Juhkum
Content Editor Lauri Kärk
Managing Director Ants Tomband


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Leading roles
Supporting roles

Heino Mandri - Mart's father | Juhan Raudam - Mart's son | Alice Talvik - Wife of Mart's father | Heigo Mirka - Barman Peeter | Olga Penner - Ljuba | Tatjana Manevskaja - Young cook assistant | Heinz Freiberg - Dr. Holländer

First releases

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  • in cinema: 23.01.1989, kino Helios, Tallinn, Estonia
  • on television: 19.07.1990, YLE1, Finland
  • in cinema: 11.1989, Moskva, USSR

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm