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Lotte Journey South (2000)

Original title: Lotte reis Lõunamaale

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Animation Duration 64:00

Little baby bird Pippo falls behind his flock on their way south for the winter and lands in the chimney of little girl dog Lotte. Lotte decides that Pippo must be taken south to be reunited with his flock. Lotte’s father, Oskar the inventor, has just finished building a flying machine. Oskar’s friend, the old traveler dog Klaus, is invited along on the trip. The exciting journey south begins. New adventures and encounters await our travelers in each episode of the serial. Many of these new acquaintances have run into difficulties and the travelers ...

Director: Janno Põldma | Heiki Ernits

Keywords: helpfulness | helping | elephant | emergency landing | courage | arctic bear | bell tower | kirev loomade seltskond | homesickness | koeratüdruk Lotte | View all »

Photos and Galleries (28)

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Main Data

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Production Firm(s) Eesti Joonisfilm
Film Category Animation, Cartoon,
Text / Dialogue Estonian
Dubbing English, Russian
Duration 64:00

First releases

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  • at other places: 02.12.2000, Sakala Centre, Tallinn, Estonia

Festivals, awards, nominations

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  • Prize, Annual Award of Estonian Cultural Endowment (Estonia), 2000, Heiki Ernits, Janno Põldma, andrus Kivirähk, Reigina Lukk-Toompere, Olav Ehala
  • Prize, Virgin Maali - Estonian Association of Film Journalists' Annual Award (Estonia), 2000
  • Participation, SCHLINGEL - International Film Festival for Children and Young Audiences (Chemnitz, Germany), 2001

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm