An ensemble movie that tells three interconnected stories about money. Part satire, part fast-paced comedy, part drama — loosely based on the real-life events during the crypto and investment craze of the last few years where every taxi driver is an investment expert, money has no price and everything can only go in one direction — up. But what happens when the crisis hits?
Director: Rain Rannu
Production Firm(s) | Tallifornia |
Film Category | Feature film, Full length feature |
Genre | Comedy, Drama |
Text / Dialogue | Estonian, English |
Subtitles | English, Estonian |
Duration | 114:00 |
Producer | Tõnu Hiielaid | Rain Rannu |
Director | Rain Rannu |
Screenwriter | Rain Rannu |
Cinematographer | Ants Tammik |
Production Desinger | Urmet Piiling | Tõnu Hiielaid |
Costume Designer | Tõnu Hiielaid |
Composer | Bert On Beats |
Sound Designer | Markus Andreas | Aleksandra Koel |
Editor | Rain Rannu | Moonika Põdersalu |