Silk Gloves is a magical realism short fiction film that tells a story of 12-year old Aino in a competitive world of ballet in early 2000's Finland. The story revolves around a Nutcracker- ballet performance, but instead of telling the classic story of little Clara experiencing her first love, Silk Gloves takes the point of view of a mouse, the antagonist.
Director: Veera Tapper
Production Firm(s) | TLÜ Balti filmi, meedia, kunstide ja kommunikatsiooni instituudi (BFM) audiovisuaalse meedia õppekava |
Film Category | Students film, Short |
Genre | Drama |
Text / Dialogue | Finnish |
Subtitles | English |
Duration | 28:41 |
Producer | Veera Tapper |
Co-producer | Ida Kentala |
Director | Veera Tapper |
Screenwriter | Veera Tapper |
Cinematographer | Riku Virta |
Costume Designer | Kerrtu Seikkula |
Composer | Ilari Heinilä |
Sound Designer | Israel Bañuelos |
Editor | Andrijana Krčmar |