During the harsh Estonian winter, fifteen-year-old Liis joins a group of teenagers for an unusual hunting game in the forest. She hopes to fit in with them, and opportunely she is paired with the boy she likes. The wild nature surrounding her awakens the strength to confront her feelings, yet conflicting emotions surface as the game unfolds.
Director: Jeronimo Sarmiento
Production Firm(s) | TLÜ Balti filmi, meedia, kunstide ja kommunikatsiooni instituudi (BFM) filmikunsti õppekava, Kino Eyes Master Consortium () |
Film Category | Students film, Short |
Genre | Drama |
Text / Dialogue | Estonian |
Subtitles | English |
Duration | 25:53 |
Producer | Clare Fogerty |
Director | Jeronimo Sarmiento |
Screenwriter | Bojana Babic |
Cinematographer | Francesco Crivaro |
Production Desinger | Eugen Tamberg | Gerda-Katrina Samm |
Composer | Liisa Hirsch |
Sound Designer | Indrek Soe |
Editor | Ahmed Abdelrazek |