The film follows a group of adults and their children who in the summer of 2014, decide to leave their customary life arrangement and start the first eco-conscious community in Estonia. Combining their savings, they buy an old manor, 3750 square meters of half-decayed buildings along with 33 hectares of agricultural land. Before them, the manor accommodated a nursing home. Five families move in – 12 adults and 6 children. Their experiment was inspired by spreading movement of eco-communities, in order to try out in a smaller constellation a new life arrangement that concentrates on non-violent harmonic relationships, co-operation, nature ...
Director: Margit Lillak
Producer | Johanna Trass |
Director | Margit Lillak |
Cinematographer | Mihkel Soe | Margit Lillak |
Composer | Sten Sheripov |
Editor | Jaak Ollino jr | Helis Hirve |