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In the Air (2009)

Original title: Õhus

Animation Duration 08:37

A television set attached to a small parachute falls through a glass ceiling and changes the way people live and let themselves be influenced. From the small magical screen, practically everything can be transferred until a wolf starts taking things into his own paws and changes the laws of gravity into something completely different. The Dadaistic style of mutual association creates a dream-like atmosphere of absurd humor.

Director: Martinus Daane Klemet

Keywords: degradation | estrangement from life | self-forgetting | huntinimene | inimesed ekraanide ees | manipulating | mass media | mass psychosis | media's influence | meedia võim | View all »

Photos and Galleries (15)

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Main Data

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Production Firm(s) Eesti Joonisfilm
Color bw
Sound sound
Film Category Animation, Cartoon
Text / Dialogue Estonian
Duration 08:37


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Producer Kalev Tamm
Director Martinus Daane Klemet
Screenwriter Martinus Daane Klemet
Production Desinger Gerda Märtens
Animator Marje Ale | Ülle Metsur | Annely Põldsaar | Tiina Ubar
Composer Vaiko Eplik
Sound Designer Horret Kuus
Editor Martinus Daane Klemet

First releases

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  • in cinema: 18.11.2009, Cinema Sõprus, Tallinn, Estonia
  • on filmfestival: 16.09.2009, Luscher & Matiesen FilmFest, Tallinn, Estonia

Festivals, awards, nominations

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  • Prize, Annual Award of AV Division of Estonian Cultural Endowment (Estonia), 2009, Best Animation of the Year
  • Award, Melbourne International Animation Festival (Australia), 2010, Best of the Fest
  • Award, Animateka - International Animated Film Festival (Ljubljana, Slovenia), 2010, International competition - Jury's Special Mention

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm