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Great Camp of the Estonian Scouts and Girl Guides in 1949 (1949)

Title in Estonian: Eesti skautide ja gaidide laager Rootsis

Amateur films Duration 16:44


The big camp held by Lake Ömmern in Western Sweden celebrated the 35th anniversary of Estonian scouthood and the 5th anniversary of Estonian expatriate scouthood. Mostly the scout camp has been filmed during the visiting days on July 16-17, 1949. Scouts take the train in Stockholm. The gate of the scout camp. Hoisting Estonian flags in the scout camp. The sub-camps: Tarvastu, Kalevanlinna, Iru, Kaarma, Ugandi, Toolse, Alulinn, Valjala, Varbola and Lehola. Scout skills competition - making the campfire, putting up the tent, tying knots, boiling water, signaling with flags, giving first aid, making of a stretcher. Reinhold Kleitsman, the camp doctor, gives first aid to Heino Jõe, the scout master and head of the camp. Cooking food on campfire, baking pancakes on campfire, sharing food and eating. The weather station of the camp. The head of scouts blows the fanfare. Guides visiting the scouts' camp, minister of religion Martin Ots holds a religious service. Espalier of the scouts and guides. The honorary head of the guide camp Johanna Päts receives the camp badge from Liis Juske, head of the Guides Council, Voldemar Päts also receives the camp badge. The young people are swinging on a village swing. Group games - folk dance, circle dance, common song, Gypsy wrestling, tug of war, lasso throwing etc. Scouts' friend Villem Saarsen is fastening the silver badge to the flag of Borås scouts. Views of the guides' camp. Scouts visiting the guides' camp. The sub-camp "Tartu". The flag of "Taaratütred" guides. Johanna Päts and Voldemar Päts are getting acquainted with the camp, accompanied by the main guide Alma Väina. The scouts are preparing for the evening's campfire and are bringing some dry firewood from the forest. Firing the campfire. Guides, scouts and the visitors around two campfires. Fireworks organized by the scouts.

Partners and Sponsors

  • Kultuuriministeerium
  • EFI
  • Eesti Kultuurkapital
  • ERR
  • Rahvusarhiiv
  • BFM
  • Kinoliit
  • Eesti Filmiajakirjanike ühing
  • Tallinnfilm