Year | Film title | Type | Crew | Actor |
1983 | "Suletud ring" | TV feature | Content Editor | Üliõpilane |
1982 | "Arabella, the Pirate's Daughter" | Feature film | Content Editor | |
1982 | "Põletushaavade ravi A.Seppo meetodil" | Other categories | Screenwriter | |
1979 | "Nest of Winds" | Feature film | Content Editor | |
1979 | "Tuulte pesa reklaamrull" | Advertising | Content Editor | |
1978 | "100 m backstroke accompanied by a chamber orchestra" | Documentary | Screenwriter | |
1977 | "Imelugu" | Musical film TV feature |
Screenwriter | |
1975 | "Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, Part I and II" | Feature film | Content Editor | |
1975 | "Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, Part I and II" | Feature film | Content Editor | |
1973 | "FIre in the Night" | Feature film | Content Editor |