The documentary tells the story of Kaido Höövelson alias Baruto, a common Estonian boy coming from the countryside, and about his difficult journey to the closed circle of Japanese sumo wrestling. His quickly developing Sumo career is being admired by his fans both in Japan and in homeland. He becomes famous that is a complicated burden. Through Kaido's eyes we can see the differences between the Eastern and Western cultures through sumo traditions, strict rituals and hierarchy. The director of the film started to follow Baruto's activities since 2005 - during the four years of filming there were both ups ...
Director: Artur Talvik
Production Firm(s) | Eetriüksus |
Film Category | Documentary, Portrait |
Text / Dialogue | Estonian, Japanese |
Subtitles | English |
Duration | 55:03 |
Producer | Artur Talvik |
Director | Artur Talvik |
Screenwriter | Artur Talvik |
Cinematographer | Manfred Vainokivi | Margus Malm | Ken Arai | Tarmo Korol | Asko Kase | Artur Talvik |
Composer | Sven Grünberg |
Sound Designer | Sven Grünberg |
Editor | Tambet Tasuja | Andreas Lenk |
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