Victor, a man living under a totalitarian regime, sees his monotonous life disrupted by a strange message from his girlfriend whom he thought had disappeared. Anke has managed to flee to a free country and urges him to join her as soon as possible. Victor starts dreaming of a different world, and despite his doubts makes the decision to flee in his turn. It will be for him the beginning of a journey filled with traps, in which any unusual action on his part can lead to disaster.
Director: Samuel Jacquemin
Production Firm(s) | La Voie Lactée (France), Average Monkey Film |
Film Category | Feature film, Short |
Genre | Drama |
Text / Dialogue | Estonian, English |
Subtitles | English, French |
Duration | 52:00 |
Producer | Marie Sonne-Jensen | Riin Urbanik |
Co-producer | Natalie Algazi | Francois Drouot |
Director | Samuel Jacquemin |
Screenwriter | Samuel Jacquemin |
Cinematographer | Christian Johannes Kask |
Production Desinger | Leen Võrno |
Costume Designer | Mare Raidma |
Composer | Efterklang |
Sound Designer | Kristian Miilen |
Editor | Jeremie Rouffio |
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