Some people are born with unfair destinies - they won't be healthy and strong. We are all different when it comes to our corporal or intellectual existence; yet, our emotional self is more or less the same. Kristiina, Triinu, Leena, Aivar, Kristo and Slava are young people in their early twenties with intellectual disability. They have grown up in an orphanage and been close all their lives. In 2004, Aivar Simmermann, a story theatre director, used the method of psychodrama in order to help the young people to perform moments from their lives and about their dreams. The stories were ...
Director: Vahur Laiapea
Producer | Vahur Laiapea |
Director | Vahur Laiapea |
Screenwriter | Vahur Laiapea |
Cinematographer | Vahur Laiapea | Dorian Supin | Ago Ruus |
Sound Designer | Ants Andreas | Mart Otsa |
Editor | Kadri Kanter | Urmas Sepp |
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