The documentary follows the production process of an ambitious project "The Grail" by Von Krahl Theatre in the year of 2001, from the read-throughs to the premiere. Stage director Peeter Jalakas used three screens in parallel that were punctually synchronized with the actors. "The Grail" is a play written by Mati Unt in 1999, focusing on the subjects of faith, hope and love while using the drive for ultimate perfection by the mythical characters of King Arthur's Round Table.
Director: Britt Urbla-Keller
Production Firm(s) | Exitfilm, Art Digital |
Film Category | Documentary |
Text / Dialogue | Estonian |
Duration | 25:21 |
Producer | Peeter Urbla |
Director | Britt Urbla-Keller |
Cinematographer | Mauri Gross | Andrus Prikk | Peeter Urbla | Britt Urbla-Keller |
Composer | Tiit Kikas |
Editor | Anri Rulkov |
Writer of Adapted Work | Mati Unt |
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