The short film takes place in a futuristic world, where being single is not accepted. Alvar, a single man, has been given 30 minutes to find the woman of his life - if he fails, he will have to work as a gardener for the happy couples for the rest of his life.
Director: Jaakko Tervonen
Production Firm(s) | TLÜ Balti filmi, meedia ja kunstide instituudi (BFM) audiovisuaalse meedia õppekava |
Film Category | Students film, Short |
Genre | Comedy |
Text / Dialogue | Estonian |
Subtitles | English |
Duration | 20:13 |
Producer | Karoliine Rämmi |
Director | Jaakko Tervonen |
Screenwriter | Jaakko Tervonen |
Cinematographer | Eliza Dombrovska |
Production Desinger | Isabella Mansnerus |
Composer | Taago Tarkmeel |
Editor | Hans Kristjan Linnutaja |