A modern crime thriller, the main characters of which are Andrus, a single father who works as a security chief; his seriously ill and dying daughter Annabel; a young criminal with international reach Cäthlyn; and police investigator Benno. In the course of the story, a real game of manipulation unfolds, in which the criminals of the underworld lure a vulnerable single father into a bad path, but in return promise to cover his daughter's medical expenses. Desperate Andrus shows what fathers are capable of on behalf of their children.
Director: Mark Överus
Production Firm(s) | TLÜ Balti filmi, meedia ja kunstide instituudi (BFM) nüüdismeedia õppekava |
Film Category | Students film, Short |
Genre | Thriller, Crime |
Text / Dialogue | Estonian |
Subtitles | English |
Duration | 13:35 |
Producer | Karmen Mai Karus |
Director | Mark Överus |
Screenwriter | Anett Kreinin |
Cinematographer | Kevin Kohjus |
Production Desinger | Paula Tilk | Fiona Koso | Iiris-Minda Paemurru |
Costume Designer | Elizabeth Meedla | Jani Juuse |
Composer | Ardo Richter | Arabella Saks | Mattias Andreas Sooniste | Ervin German Žitnikov |
Sound Designer | Karmen Kask |
Editor | Mark Överus |