Jakop, spending time in his father's old fisherman's shed, finds himself in a dilemma when a local villager brings a mute woman to him. The woman is absolutely certain that she has been brought to the Gulf of Finland. However, it is Lake Peipsi. Jakop cannot explain to the woman that it is not the sea and that on the other side of the water is the same Soviet Union, not Finland. However, her desire to cross the bay is so great that she refuses to believe it. Jakop has to decide - whether to take the young woman across ...
Director: Elis Rumma
Production Firm(s) | TLÜ Balti filmi, meedia ja kunstide instituudi (BFM) filmikunsti õppekava |
Film Category | Students film, Short |
Genre | Drama |
Text / Dialogue | Estonian, Russian |
Subtitles | English, Estonian |
Duration | 19:42 |
Producer | Lennart Mathias Männik |
Director | Elis Rumma |
Screenwriter | Johanna Viskar |
Cinematographer | Joosep Ivask |
Production Desinger | Renelle Karnaskind |
Costume Designer | Emilie Sibrits |
Sound Designer | Timo Kiirend |
Editor | Viivika Vassar |
Writer of Adapted Work | Martin Algus |