A futuristic tale about the material world tells a story of a clerk who is responsible for putting objects coming from a pipe onto a shelf. The clerk is used to his routine and happy with his work in a white box. He
has no desire for a better life or questions about his mission or existence. Until one day a stranger knocks on his door. He has something that the clerk does not. It's something that turns the clerk's beliefs on their head.
Director: Jelizaveta Mušnikova | Mari-Leen Üksküla-Eomois | Meeri-Ann Ostrov | Anna Semjonova
Production Firm(s) | Eesti Kunstiakadeemia |
Film Category | Students film, Animation |
Duration | 4:26 |
Director | Jelizaveta Mušnikova | Mari-Leen Üksküla-Eomois | Meeri-Ann Ostrov | Anna Semjonova |
Composer | Tanel Paats |
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