The late-night satire show hosted by Katariina Tamm and Märt Koik looks into the important matters in Estonian politics, social life and pop culture, but also highlight issues that have been undeservedly unnoticed. The show consists of studio and videosketches, which enables to adjust the format according to actual topics. In addition to interviews and thematic monologues there are parody videos and sketches.
Director: Laura Lisete Roosaar
Production Firm(s) | Erisaade, Superstaar |
Film Category | Students film, TV Show |
Text / Dialogue | Estonian |
Duration | 44:53 |
Producer | Jarmo Seljamaa |
Director | Laura Lisete Roosaar |
Cinematographer | Raul Priks | Jaan Kalmus jr | Mart Vares | Sander Allikmäe |
Sound Designer | Jaan-Andres Tellus | Taisto Uuslail |
Editor | Mark Šandali |
Content Editor | Jaanus Noormets |