The animated film “The Year of the Monkey” is a story of a monkey who lives in a zoo and, as chance would have it, is forced to start living like a human being. The monkey is mistaken for a drunken Santa Claus who got lost and ended up in the zoo, and he is taken away for treatment of alcohol abuse. There all the monkey’s hairs are shaved off, after which he outwardly seems to be a proper citizen. Human society quickly accepts its new member, the shaved monkey, and the monkey becomes an honoured public ...
Director: Ülo Pikkov
Production Firm(s) | Eesti Joonisfilm |
Color | color |
Film Category | Animation, Cartoon |
Text / Dialogue | Estonian |
Duration | 11:51 |
Producer | Kalev Tamm |
Director | Ülo Pikkov |
Screenwriter | Ülo Pikkov |
Production Desinger | Ülo Pikkov |
Animator | Tarmo Vaarmets | Antanas Povilionis | Marje Ale | Ülle Metsur | Eero Barndõk | Eda Kurg | Piipa Toivonen |
Composer | Kaspar Jancis |
Editor | Ülo Pikkov |