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Konkurss (2006)

TPÜ filmi ja video õppetool: bakalaureusetöö

Tudengifilmid | Noortefilm Kestus: 11:08


Sünopsis inglise keeles:

Georg is a contrabass player. One the he has to do entrance exams for Music academy he sleeps almost in and his bow gets broken. At the end he finally reches to the audition, but destany has still some more suprides left for him.

Sisukokkuvõte inglise keeles:
That you happen to break your only bow on the morning of your audition and find out that you've rehearsed the wrong tunes instead of the required ones, is not a pleasant start for a bad day. But maybe it's the other way around or this way around the other. But that's what happens to George on one morning. Georg is a contrabass player. When has to do entrance exams for Music academy he sleeps almost in and his bow gets broken. At the end he finally reaches to the audition, but destiny has still some more surprises left for him. Written by Margus Paju http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0905348/plotsummary 

Margus Paju diplomitöö “Konkurss” on pealtnäha lihtne, kuid puändiga lõppev kümneminutine sketsˇ, mis on kantud leebest põhjamaisest huumorist. Igimureliku ilmega nohiklik kontrabassimängija (Margus Stalte) on hea karakter, kelle puhul tunduvad totakad vahejuhtumid igati loomulikud. Muusikaakadeemia tudengid hindavad ehk fakti, et rezˇissöör on nende õppeasutusele kinkinud Draamateatri vastas paikneva kultuurkapitali hoone. Näeme noore boheemlase tagasihoidlikku kodu ning taksojuhi (Tõnu Oja) päevinäinud autot, mille pagasiruum on õuntega täidetud. Pealinn paistab õdusa unise paigana, ei mingit kalki betooni ega pimeduses säravaid tulesid. http://www.epl.ee/news/kultuur/filmitudengite-loputoode-huumor-leebe-absurdne-must.d?id=51055663 (13.03.2012)

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